1. The only reason men fail is broken focus.
2. The problem that infuriates you the most is the problem God
has assigned you to solve.
3. The proof of desire is pursuit.
4. The secret of your future is
hidden in your daily routine.
5. Those who do not increase you inevitably will decrease you.
6. Those who do not respect your time today will probably not
respect your opinion either.
7. Those who unlock your compassion are those to whom you
have been assigned.
8. Today is your opportunity to rewrite your future. Give each
hour a specific assignment.
9. What you fail to conquer will eventually conquer you.
10. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.
11. What you respect, you will attract.
12. Whatever you possess today is enough to create anything else
you will ever want in your future.
2. The problem that infuriates you the most is the problem God
has assigned you to solve.
3. The proof of desire is pursuit.
4. The secret of your future is
hidden in your daily routine.
5. Those who do not increase you inevitably will decrease you.
6. Those who do not respect your time today will probably not
respect your opinion either.
7. Those who unlock your compassion are those to whom you
have been assigned.
8. Today is your opportunity to rewrite your future. Give each
hour a specific assignment.
9. What you fail to conquer will eventually conquer you.
10. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.
11. What you respect, you will attract.
12. Whatever you possess today is enough to create anything else
you will ever want in your future.
na true talk