Sunday 13 September 2015

TESTIMONY: No More Lust Problems After Confessing Righteousness

I just want to thank Pastor Joseph Prince for his teachings. I had a problem with lust for many years, even though I was saved. I would masturbate and read and watch things on the Internet that, although weren’t strictly pornography, were not good.

I would make many excuses for my habits and try to live with them. But I would often feel bad and give the whole problem to God, again and again. I tried everything to stop the habits, but
nothing worked. Even if they did, it was only for a short time.

After hearing a CD sermon by Joseph Prince, I started to confess my righteousness in Christ when I had lustful thoughts or even when I gave in to the temptations. I came to believe that God’s good opinion of me never changes and I felt no more condemnation.

It doesn’t make sense in the natural but praise God, I am now free from this problem! Amazingly, the desire to sin is gone and even if lustful thoughts enter my mind, I am able to ignore them.

From the sermons, podcasts, and email devotionals that I receive, I am increasing in my understanding of the difference between doing things in my own strength and resting in Jesus’ finished work. I am also growing in grace as I learn more and more about Jesus’ love for me. I thank God and also want to thank you. This ministry has been such a blessing to me!

The writer has requested to remain anonymous  |  Australia

September 2015

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