Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Many singles want to get married and many married want to be single again -TONY RAPU

Dr Tony Rapu shares some of his
thoughts on being single (not married), as well as how
Christians should approach marriage.

Christianity’s founder, Jesus Christ was single all his life.

Single adults cannot be seen as less complete than
married ones because Jesus Christ, a single man was the perfect man.
Paul the Apostle, said
“…….Are you married? Stay married. Are you unmarried? Don’t get married…” 1 Corinthians 7:25-28

“…All I am saying is that when you marry,you take on
additional stress in an already stressful
time…”1Corinthians7:28 MSG

Paul is saying that both being married and not being married are good conditions to be in.
In any case whether married or single Christ is the only spouse that can truly satisfy us.

Christianity actually reaffirms the goodness of a single life.

You were not created for marriage, marriage was created
for you. You were created for dominion.
Being married is not a condition for making it to heaven.

Singleness is not a sin, a sickness nor is it a problem.
Singleness is not “Plan B” for the Christian life.
Singleness is not a limitation.
Stop mourning your singleness. Get a life.

Marriage is good but enjoy life on your way to getting married.
Many singles want to get married and many married want to be single again.

Culture and society may see your singleness as a negative.
Never allow people’s opinions to shape your perception
of your true self.
I can’t marry her until she gets pregnant….that’s wrong.

I must marry a virgin because I am a virgin …who said?

I cannot say yes immediately to a proposal…. Yes you can.
I have to date many people to pick the best…no you don’t.
I will marry them and convert them afterwards….The power to convert anyone does not lie with you but with God.

Don’t allow parental pressure to push you into marriage.
Your parents won’t live with you in the marriage.

Don’t marry because of peer pressure.
Don’t marry just to escape loneliness. You will still be lonely in marriage.

Don’t marry just because you got pregnant. It is repentance and counseling you need.
Don’t marry just to escape from your parents’ home.

Don’t marry someone simply because you pity them.
Don’t put your life on hold waiting for a supposed fiancé
who lives abroad. Don’t do what married people do until you do get married.


Dr. Tony Rapu is a Trained Medical Doctor, Life Coach and the Senior Pastor and head over a ministry that is made up of three distinct churches; This Present House, God Bless Nigeria and
The Water Brook Church. Each church reflects a different aspect of the ministry‘s evangelical focus. He is married to Nkoyo, and they have three children.


  1. Church unusual. Word amazing

    1. dongtam
      game mu
      nhac san cuc manh
      tư vấn luật
      dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói
      văn phòng luật
      tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
      thành lập công ty
      chém gió
      trung tâm ngoại ngữ
      Nhạc Thành không sợ chút nào, trong miệng hừ lạnh một tiếng, sắc mặt nghiêm túc tới cực điểm, năm ngón tay đột nhiên co rút lại, pháp quyết trong tay đánh ra, nhất thời Hạo Thiên Tháp xoay quanh ở trên không trung biến lớn.

      - Gào khóc gào khóc.

      Một tiếng kinh thiên động địa tràn ngập cả thiên địa, thẳng đến càn khôn, hơi thở cuồng bạo trực tiếp thổi quét ra.

      Lúc này Hạo Thiên môn nhân cũng đánh chết toàn bộ Bạch Thạch sơn, một đám Hạo Thiên môn lúc này nhìn vào Nhạc Thành cùng La Thiên thượng tiên kia giao thủ.

      Môn chủ Địa tiên đối kháng La Thiên thượng tiên, điều này làm cho mọi người xem như mở rộng tầm mắt, một đám cũng mồ hôi lạnh, nhưng chứng kiến môn chủ thúc dục Hạo Thiên Tháp đối địch, cũng làm cho mọi người âm thầm ngạc nhiên không thôi.


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