
Friday, 24 April 2015


Imagine, if God spared not His only son but gave Him up for us by His
death on the cross, what else do you think He can ever withhold from

In Christ, by Christ and through Christs death, God gave His ALL, He
gave His BEST, He gave His only joker, He gave His everything, He gave
His only son, He have Himself.

"He has nothing more to give"

If you have His son, you have EVERYTHING God ever intended you to
have. There is nothing He can withold from you again, EVER.

Freely He gave, You cant pay for His grace, you dont merit His mercy
but that same mercy found you, called you and has freely liberated
you. Even before you knew it.

Nothing can separate you again from the Fathers love. Theres nothing
He cant do for you. And its not because you've earned it or qualified
for it or worked hard for it or deserve it but because of CHRIST in
you. Just that? Yeah just because of Christ.


To Him be all the praise
To Him be all the glory.


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