
Friday, 24 April 2015

8 Reasons Christians Are Leaving Denominational Churches

Data showes that non-
denominational churches are now the second largest Protestant group in America.

Only the Southern Baptist Convention is larger.

Here are some of the fascinating nuggets from that study:
There are more than 12 million people who affiliate with non-denominational churches.

The research found at least 35,000 non-
denominational churches in America.

Non-denominational churches are in 88% of the counties in the United States.

Non-denominational churches are one of the top five largest religious groups in 48 of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

In light of the growth of these churches, I conducted an informal Twitter poll and asked why people are moving
to non-denominational congregations from churches.affiliated with denominations.

Here are the top eight responses in order. There is obvious overlap in some of
the responses.
1. Denominational churches have a negative reputation. Some respondents used the phrase "negative brand"
to communicate this reason.

2. Denominations are known more for what they are against than what they are for.

3. There is too much infighting and politics in.denominations.

4. The denominational churches are too liberal. From what I can tell from these respondents, they are current and former members of mainline churches.

5. There is a general waning of institutional loyalty in institutions such as denominations.

6. Denominations have inefficient systems and organizations. They are too bureaucratic.

7. Some of the respondents could see no perceived benefit to belonging to denominations.
8. Denominations are not good stewards of their financial resources.
I plan on doing a second poll in the near future to see how respondents view denominations positively. In the meantime, let me hear from you.

Thom Rainer is the president of LifeWay Christian
Resources. F.

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