Tuesday 8 September 2015

Christian Rapper and Former Lesbian Speaks about Her Conversion

Christian rapper and former lesbian Jackie Hill-Perry discussed in a recent interview how
she learned to overcome her same-sex attraction.
Hill-Perry said it was very helpful that church leaders who were ministering to her did not isolate her sexuality from the rest of her, but instead treated her as a
whole person, according to Christian Today.

She said that after meeting with church leaders, she realized her struggle with homosexuality was much bigger than she had thought and she needed to deal with her “hatred, bitterness, laziness, gluttony, lack of stewardship, pride.”

After accepting Christ in 2008, Hill-Perry was able to leave behind her old lifestyle and is now married to fellow artist Preston Perry with whom she has a daughter.
Hill-Perry stated that it helped her turn her life around when she realized that “only Jesus can make me whole.”

“When I was able to see that all of me needed Jesus, all of me needed to be whole and all of me needed to be disciplined, that's what helped me. Because it kind of humbles you where [I said] 'I'm real messed up because it's not this one little fraction of me. It's all of me.' And I'm able to really crawl to Jesus and know He can fix me," she continued.

After her conversion, Hill-Perry wrote several articles on Christianity and homosexuality. She asserts that Christians must hold true to the Word of God if we believe it is what it claims to be--God-inspired.

“I think we've made God very little if we believe that he cannot change people,” Hill-Perry stated. “If he can make a moon, stars and a galaxy that we have yet to fully comprehend, how can he not simply change my desires?"

Hill-Perry admitted that Christian converts would likely still face temptations from their past lifestyle, but God would give them the power to overcome those temptations.

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