Saturday 15 August 2015

Cuba Sees Christianity Boom as Bibles Pour into Communist Nation

Cuba experiencing a Christian revival, as tens of thousands of Bibles pour into the communist-ruled nation.

Christian Today reports 83,000 copies of the Bible were sent to Cuba last month alone by the International Missions Board. Additionally, the American Bible Society has a goal of sending one million Bibles to Cuba by 2017. So far, 60,000 copies have been
distributed in the nation.

According to the American Bible Society website, Christianity is booming in Cuba.
"With a population of 11 million, a literacy rate of nearly 100 percent and an unprecedented growth in Christianity thanks to social, economic and political reforms, many Cubans are seeking
guidance and hope found in God's Word.

 As a result of this unprecedented spiritual and cultural shift, demand for Bibles has outpaced supply. In addition, many Cubans cannot afford to import high-quality Bibles,” the American Bible Society said.
Only recently did Bible distribution become legal in the nation. As Christian Headlines previously reported, the Cuban government legalized Bible distribution this year for the first time since 1969 in an experimental program.

Bookstores are not permitted to sell Bibles and Cuban Christians must rely on churches to gain access to texts.

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