Sunday 7 June 2015


If you are waiting to be punished,
Jesus took your punishment.

If you are waiting to die,
Jesus died in your place.

If you believe you are meant to be poor,
Jesus became poor to make you rich.

If you are expecting to fail
your exam,
Remember you have the mind of Christ.

If you have symptoms of sickness,
Jesus is the LORD that healeth thee.

If you think you cant make it, & you cant see a way, Remember there's always a way.
Jesus is the way.

If it looks impossible,
Theres nothing too hard for Jesus

If your disease is incurable,
You have the blood of Christ in you.

If you are angry and hate so much,
The love of Christ is in your heart.

If you want to sin again,
Christ already gave you a heart of flesh and not stone

If you are tormented by fear,
Christ made you as bold as lion.

If you think you are alone,
You are not. Jesus is really with you.

If you are hurting and unforgiving,
Jesus forgave you before you came, set them free too.

If you are still struggling,
Jesus set you up above principalities and powers

If you are down and out and under,
Remember this, You are not.
Jesus is carried you up.

And he that is above is above all.

Have a great week,

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