Monday 15 June 2015



It is no secret that Bruce Jenner is going through some major changes in his life. Did you know that Bruce Jenner was at one time a devout Christian? His family at time, including the famous ones were involved in church and their youth group. In fact they even helped start churches. What happened? Somewhere in their journey with God they got
lost. Being lost is a temporary state until it becomes permanent. It is our responsibility to reach the lost, love people not condemn. It's our responsibility to point people to Christ not push. I recently connected with Patrick Valdovinos and he has an amazing testionmy and an understanding of what Bruce Jenner is going through that most will never know or understand. Read his testimony on how he found his TRUE IDENTITY through the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

"Okay, this has been weighing heavy in my heart ever since all this Bruce Jenner stuff surfaced and the Lord's been dealing with me about when to rise up and say something about this and to declare the power of God.
I've watched the interview and just cried because this man is so deceived by the devil. So I feel like now is the time to give my testimony...ok here it is.

I always felt as if I was a woman trapped in a man's body, ever since I was a little boy, I never was molested as a child and I never felt like I was a gay male, I just felt more like a female rather than male. Dealing with these feelings and emotions were never easy and as I matured into adulthood I began taking birth control pills, then female hormones from other friends who were going through the same thing as myself, only to become more womanly as possible. Allowing my hair to grow long, wearing women's clothing and researching on having the sexual reassignment surgery one day. Growing distant from family members and getting more closer to friends in the gay community, and believing the whole entire time that God made a mistake with me. "Why me Lord?" I'd asked, "Why me?"

Until that one Sunday afternoon, in 2001 at a little Apostolic Pentecostal church in Pinedale, California...I stepped inside and I felt something that I never felt before. After I heard this man preach, I was asked to go to the altar for a simple prayer and little did I know what was about to happen next. Pastor Agustin Hoyer laid his hand on my forehead and I was sleigh in the spirit. I remember waking up and feeling sick to my stomach, I realized that I sinned against God only, and I fell to my knees and asked the Lord for forgiveness of all my sins. He filled me with the Holy Ghost and I spoke in tongues, and I knew then that the bible was real. I have not been the same since.

The bible says..."For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error," (Romans 1:26-27).

Homosexuality is clearly condemned in the Bible. It undermines God's created order where He made Adam and Eve, a man and a woman, to carry out his command to fill and subdue the earth (Gen. 1:28) This is a perverted, foul, and deceiving spirit that has overcome the entire world, and the devil is a liar! God makes no mistakes and we ALL are created perfect in HIS image. Can the Lord change Bruce Jenner and deliver him from this lie, yes HE sure can. Please keep him in your prayers and we ask you God to send someone...put anyone in his path Lord, and reveal the truth of this masquerade. You did it for me Jesus, I know you can do it for Bruce." In Jesus Holy, Holy, Name! - Patrick Valdovinos

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