Sunday 10 May 2015

WORDS ON MARBLE: with Joseph Prince

1. “Whatever your need is today, your solution is found in a greater revelation of Jesus.

2.    “The law is about you looking at yourself. The new
covenant is all about
you seeing Jesus.”

3.    “We are all against sin, but grace is the power to get out of sin .”

4.   “The law condemns the best of us, but grace saved the worst of us.

5.    “Good things happen to those who believe God loves them .”

6.    “Temptations cannot succeed when you have a revelation that you are God’s beloved.”

7.    The devil wants you self-conscious, but God wants
you Jesus-conscious .”

8.    “Worship is one of the easiest, yet most powerful ways of being free from self-occupation.”

9.    “ Knowing that you are completely forgiven destroys the power of sin in your life ."

10.    “ Right believing always leads to right
living .”

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