Saturday 2 May 2015


"Mr. Right" only appears after "Ms. Right" shows up.
Yes, it's that same old advice you heard in primary school mom told you how
make friends.

"If you want to have a good friend you first must learn to be a good friend."

That's right, if you want to meet Mr. Right, you first have to be Ms. Right.

The clearer your mental picture becomes of who Mr. Right is, the easier it becomes to know how to find him and attract him.

Now with this in mind not only will you become more likely to think of ideal
places for meeting Mr. Right, you will also become more certain about the kind of
characteristics you are not willing to compromise on when it comes to finding an
ideal partner.

Take a moment to think through the typical day of the kind of person you want to find. Is he affluent and dresses same? If so, you are more likely to bump into him at affluent places and hes more likely to notice you if you dress same.

Note the following points

1. Don’t Wait for Him to Come to You

Although it would be nice, it’s highly unlikely that a gorgeous, well-mannered, high-paid and sensitive man is going to knock on your door in
the next few seconds and introduce himself to you. If you want to find that man, you’re going to have to get out there and look for him! Don’t expect too much right away, but put yourself in a position to meet people and get to know them.

2. Expect to Fall Short a Few Times

When you’re out there meeting guys and getting to know them, chances are you will meet a few that aren’t right for you. This can often lead to disappointment. All single women should understand that this isn’t failure – its one step
closer to Mr. Right. Don’t expect to find your
soul mate on the first night – it will most likely take some time. Expect to fall short a few times and don’t be too disappointed when you do.

3. Spend Some Time Thinking about What You Want

When you’re searching for Mr. Right, it’s
important to know what you’re looking for.’ve probably already spent some time considering Mr. Right’s physical attributes, what would he enjoy? What would his favorite kind of
music be? Is he a funny guy?
When you think about the things he would enjoy or appreciate, you may determine where to find.him. By knowing what you’re looking for, you’ll determine how to find him.

4. Work on Your Confidence

If you are a single women with low self
confidence, you’re going to have a difficult time meeting anyone – let alone Mr. Right. Men find women with confidence extremely attractive.
Even if you don’t look like a supermodel, be
confident with who you are and appear
comfortable in your skin. If you accept and love yourself for who you are, so will Mr. Right when you find him!

5. Accentuate What Is Wonderful about You

Most single women — or any women — aren’t 100% happy with their bodies; they may want a smaller or bigger butt & bust, plumper lips or longer hair. The truth is that no one is perfect and most men don’t want their women to look like celebrities or
supermodels. Every woman is beautiful and you should accentuate what is beautiful and
wonderful about you. Men enjoy it when their women look great – but not overdone. Simply play up your best features and stay confident!

6. Don’t Be Afraid to Approach Him

If you’ve had your eye on a hunky guy across the room for a while but he’s not walking over, don’t be afraid to approach him. Read the signs
first, of course – he’s looking at you and smiling, there is no woman with him, etc.
When the coast is clear, walk up to him and say hello. Ask if you can sit
down. Introduce yourself, talk a bit, then tell him it was nice to meet him and go back to your chair. The next move will be up to him.

7. Above All – Be Who You Are

You’re staring across the table at a man with the most gorgeous and piercing eyes you’ve ever seen. It’s times like this when it can be easy to compromise who you are in an effort to keep things going forward. While it can be difficult to
do, you should always be who you are. Don’t compromise your beliefs, your faith, your goals, or yourself at all in an attempt to find Mr. Right.
When it truly is Mr. Right, all you will need to be is who you are.
Remember to be patient and realize that he will come along – probably when you least expect it and when you’re in the perfect position to be swept off your feet.

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