Sunday, 10 May 2015


Overcoming fear by TD JAKES
The Bible is very clear as to how you should feel about God (see Job 28:28). But when you read that you should fear
Him, you may wonder.
Let me explain. The Hebrew term for fear mean “ a strong degree of
reverence ”- not fight. There is a great deal of difference between fear and reverence.

The term reverence means
“ to respect or revere”; the term fear carries with it a certain connotation of terror and intimidation. That kind
of fear is not a healthy attitude for a daughter of God to have her heavenly Father.

In Job 28: 28, the term render
fear could be better translated as “respect” Fear will drive man away from God as it drove Adam to hide in
the bushes. Adam said, “I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid” (Genesis 3:10). That’s not the reaction a loving father wants from his children. I don’t
want my children to scatter and hide like mice when I approach! I may not always agree with what they have
done, but I will always love who they are.

I remember an occasion when some students from my son’s elementary school saw me for first time.
Because I stand 6 feet, 4inches tall, and weigh over 250 pounds, the little children were completely astonished.

“Look how big your Dad is! One of them says. “I bet he could just about squash you. Aren’t you afraid of him?”
My son quickly responded, Afraid? Naah, He’s not mean. He’s our dad!” They were not afraid of my stature
because they were secure in our relationship.

Does that mean they have never been punished? Of course not!
What it does mean is that they have never been abused.
My love holds my judgment in check.

As imperfect as I am, if I know how to love my children, then what about God? He may not approve of your
conduct, my sister, bit he still love you. In fact, understanding His love will help you improve your conduct ( see Romans 2:4).

If this is true (and it is), then we must tell other who need to change their minds about God. I believe the church has confused conviction with condemnation. The Holy sprit convicts of his. Conviction leads to a place of
deliverance and change. Condemnation leads to the gallows of despair and hopelessness.

Why have we withheld from so many hurting hearts the
good news of the gospel? Too many have replaces this good news with self righteous rhetoric. But if you’re
convicted that God is good and loves you-no matter what you’ve done- then tell somebody else. There is
healing for their sin too. The cure is found in the presence of our loving and forgiving Father. Respect
Him. Reverence Him. Fear Him.

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