Wednesday 6 May 2015

Nepali Christians Return to Worship after Earthquake Turns Churches into Tombs

A congregation of Christians
in Nepal finished singing a worship song this week that they had been singing when an earthquake rocked the capital last week.
It’s one of many accounts coming out of the area of Christians returning to
worship and prayer after the earthquake devastated the area.

“I was standing in a row near to the wall and praying when the trembling started. The pastor continued the
prayer and suddenly, everything collapsed,” said Maili Tamang, who was worshipping at the Vision of Salvation Church. “I was half conscious and could
heard people screaming. After one hour I was pulled out. While lying there, I knew God would save me.”

The Vision of Salvation Church collapsed during the quake last week. There
were 62 members at the church at the time. Seventeen people died, including Tamang’s husband, sister and
three other family members. The senior pastor Elia Ghale and his son were also killed.

It’s unclear how many churches were destroyed in the 7.8-magnitude earthquake.

Thus far, the Baptist World
Alliance is reporting that about 150 Christians were killed in the quake.

“I am getting reports of entire Christian families being wiped out in Kathmandu and outside,” said Simon
Pandey, chairman of the National Christian Fellowship of Nepal.

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