Sunday 5 April 2015


There's Healing for your life today.

But for you who fear
my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves
let out to pasture. Malachi 4:2

Hello CIB reader,
Life is full of unexplainable events. many times life throws up several
surprises to us. Some of these surprises could be pleasant,
others are not. We may find ourselves in very awkward and
absurd circumstances that defy solution and understanding.

However it maybe, be it that you are at crossroads or
confused or you stumbled upon an unforeseen and
overwhelming obstacle and you fell. Friend, there's healing
for you today. There's nothing, absolutely nothing that
Gods healing power cant touch. God can heal relationships,
God can heal your marriage, God can heal your home and
family. God can heal and restore your finances. God can
heal your business and career. God can restore your
academics and bring healing to your job and profession.
God can heal your mind and restore your mental ability.
God can heal your broken heart and mend your sorrows.
God can heal your body of sickness, disease and accidents.

And He already did 2000 years ago. Through Christ He took
the curse that was upon you and laid it on Himself. He
became the curse for you. Therefore when it comes to your
healing with God, its a total experience, a total and
complete package. When Gods healing power shows up in
your life, He does a thorough job of permeating, perforating
and penetrating every challenge in your whole life &
existence. With God nothing is ever left out.
There's no nut
too hard for God to crack. There's no case too difficult for
God to handle. There's no wrong too bad for God to make
aright in your life. no place for darkness to hide in you when God is in the

The light of Gods healing power smokes out every
darkness. no mountain is impervious to the power of God,
none!!. You have got to believe this because some of us
already have "resigned to fate". We believe that that is now
our lot, "our cross". We assume in ignorance that the
severity of our pain has become impossible for God to deal
with. So we've made up our minds to live with the pain.
STOP IT!!!! As you are reading this message, Gods setting
you free right now. Help and healing is coming your way
now. Nothing can hold you back any longer. Insight,
solution, breakthrough and restoration is happening to you
this very hour.
Am telling you, there's power to heal you this very minute.
did i hear an 'amen'? In Luke 13 and verses 10 to
13(NLT), there was a woman who was in the synagogue
with Jesus, she was in his presence listening to his
teachings, but shes been severely sick and disfigured for
18years. (Now, your challenge could have been more that
18years or less, it doesn't really matter. The point is that the
woman was with Jesus and listening to the WORD) and
when Jesus saw her He said "dear woman you are healed of
your sickness" ...instantly she could stand straight . How
she praised God. Heaven has not been emptied of its
healing powers. In fact Gods healing power is for you and in
you today. BE HEALED IN JESUS NAME!!!!!!

For Him,
Anything is Possible,
only believe.

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