Sunday 26 April 2015

Pray for Hurting Children

Pray for Hurting Children

Today I want to share about an issue that pricks at my heart - child abuse & neglect.

Last year, I learnt of an organisation called Blue Sunday. One of the things they do is run a national awareness campaign about child abuse and neglect.

Blue Sunday happens the last Sunday in April of every year. The goal of Blue Sunday is to have churches & believers all across the nation to pray for the victims of child abuse and those who work to rescue them.

Here are some startling facts about child abuse from

× Over 1600 children die every year from abuse
× Most who die are under age 3
× Six million children are victims of abuse annually
× Two-thirds of the people in drug treatment programs report being abused as a child
× Many abuse victims end up in foster care
× Within 1 year of ageing out of the foster care system, 2/3 of the youth will be homeless, in jail or dead
× Eighty percent of the prison population was once in foster care

The effects of child abuse and neglect are far- reaching. But we as God's people can do something about it!

Be Aware
Be a Resource
Be Vigilant
Be a Prayer Warrior

There is no problem too big for God! Joining in Prayer with No more child abuse!

Thanks for joining me in prayer!

Know that peace can be found in your heart as you rest in the presence of the Lord's ultimate sacrifice and love for you. Boldly declare you will not be shaken. Let yourself bask in the rich, knowledge of His grace.


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