Sunday 12 April 2015



When you forgive someone you give up your right to make the other person pay
(forever) for the wrong he did to you. Now that’s hard work. 

You forgive because you too are forgiven over and over again. Now that’s grace.

Every marriage in fact is built upon a mound called forgiveness. Unspeakable
things. Stupid things. Things that were once important but pale in importance
when faced with new crises. Things that if the marriage is to survive you forgive,
overlook, pretend not to see, let go of –yes, for the sake of the children, for the
sake of the mortgage, for the sake of the village – until grace and prayers and love
have a chance to do the labour intensive work of mending the torn ligaments of the
relationship back together.

When you marry a person you give him/her
access to your heart, access to hurt
you, knowing that despite his/her best
intentions he or she will do just that a
hundred times or more in the course
of a marriage. But with marriage the
two of you promise to stay around to
do the hard work of forgiveness and
to rebuild the broken the places.

Too often in marriage when there is offense and conflict, we identify
our mates as the enemy. Our mates are never the enemy. If we learn
who our enemies really are, we can effectively fight the battles in
our marriages and rise to victory. 

Our real enemies are the powers
of darkness and our own flesh. These enemies often go unnoticed
in the heat of battle.
Our flesh seeks to please itself and cannot please God. The apostle
Paul warns us about our flesh, in Romans 8:8, "Those who are still
under the control of their sinful nature can never please God."

The powers of darkness intend for all marriages to be destroyed.
Ephesians 6:12 declares, "For we are not fighting
against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and
authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark
world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places."...

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