Saturday 28 March 2015


The subway preachers and door-knockers must be
doing a reasonable trade though because the world’s
biggest megachurch is the Yoido Full Gospel Church in
Seoul. Boasting around one million members, this
congregation dwarfs anything in the United States. It
seats 26,000 people (plus the thousands who watch
the services on giant screens from neighbouring
buildings) and the church’s seven Sunday services
claim to attract over 250,000 people weekly.
members every week.
Amazingly, this church held its first service less than 60 years ago (May, 1958) in the loungeroom of one of
its two original pastors. The service was attended by
four people – three were the daughters of one of the
pastors, plus one passing woman who came in seeking
shelter from the rain.
Through tireless door-knocking and public service, the
church slowly began to grow. Soon a tent was erected
to accommodate the congregation. Then bigger tents.
Then a building was required. By 1977, almost 20
years after the first service, the church had 50,000
members. Then the congregation exploded. The Yoido
Full Gospel Church has since acquired, on average,
just over 500 new members each week… for the last
36 years.
South Korea provides the 2nd largest number
of Christian Missionaries, only surpassed by
the United States. (Consider that the
population of South Korea is 49 million and
the US is 302 million…)
Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, is Pastored by David Yonggi Cho, 79, who has been in ministry for over 50 years.

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