
Monday, 18 April 2016

Outspoken Kirk Franklin Asks Evangelicals to Judge Trump's Spiritual Fruit

Kirk Franklin has a message for evangelicals supporting Donald Trump. (Facebook/Kirk Franklin)
Republican front-runner Donald Trump is sweeping up evangelical votes across the country.

But prominent Christians, like Kirk Franklin, are questioning the businessman's authenticity.
"I hope all my evangelical friends who are considering Trump also remember one of
fruits of the spirit is kindness...where's the apples?" Franklin tweeted.

Franklin is no stranger to calling out celebrities, musicians and pastors alike when he disagrees with their messages.
When Creflo Dollar asked his ministry partners to donate money for a private jet, Franklin said the minister had a "shortage of character."

The musician also discussed his "disappointment" over the show Preachers of LA .
Franklin has also rushed to defend other musicians when the media—or even Christians—question motives.

Recently, the famed rapper found himself in the spotlight for standing by Kanye West.
"Again 'no Kanye, you're not good enough?' No. That is a dangerous message I believe we send to the world when our posture is they have to meet certain requirements before they are worthy to kiss the ring. It says people are not redeemable, forgivable or candidates for grace. That my friend is religious. I will not turn my back on my brother. I will love him, prayerfully grow with him. However long he'll have me, and however long the race takes.
To a lot of my Christian family, I'm sorry he's not good enough, Christian enough, or running at your pace...and as I read some of your comments, neither am I. That won't stop me from running. Pray we win," Franklin said .
Jessilyn Justice

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