
Wednesday, 17 February 2016



…Drug abuse and drug addiction has become a major menace in our world today. A careful study of addiction, will almost definitely lead us to the issue of hopelessness and lack of motivation. When we see people using drugs, drinking, smoking and addicted to pornography, it is simply because they are bored, they have little interest in life. They are not motivated. Drugs, alcohol, pornography therefore becomes a
means by which people try to get themselves motivated. People try to get some form of excitement out of drugs, alcohol and pornography.
Everyone wants to be excited. Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to be inspired and motivated. The tricky aspect of motivation though is that you need energy to be motivated and excited. You need some form of energy to keep yourself happy. When that energy is lacking, that is where the crisis comes in. when we lack the energy for life, depression steps in, frustration steps in, anger and mood swings step in. In an attempt to overcome these negative tendencies, men do desperate things.
Apart from the extreme things like drugs and alcohol, there are other subtle ways that our generation try to find energy for living. Some over eat leading to gluttony.  Others rather refrain from eating leading to anorexia. Some eat and try to get rid of it leading to bulimia. Yet others find solace in sex, leading to sex addiction.
The quest for energy, leads to all forms of sins and malpractices. All these on the other hand, take us into the dungeon of darkness, more darkness leading into even more depression. Losing even more energy in the process. So how do we get ourselves motivated all the time? I would like to start by first giving a list of the popular and more contemporary methods of motivation that we all are familiar with.


Fear is one of the most common and probably the greatest motivating factor in the world. It is fear that makes people to wake up in the morning to go to work is not because they love their jobs so much, but because they are afraid of getting fired or being jobless. On the other hand, most people especially in the developed countries, are motivated to work and go to jobs because they have to pay their bills. Many people in the western nations would be homeless if they try to stay out of work for a year. That fear of being a social outcast gets people motivated to go to work to do the things they would not normally do.
In most cultures, the fear of public opinion keeps people straight. Many people don’t want to be social outcasts or ostracized from the society. Most of us want to be accepted by our peers and countrymen. We want to fit into society. That fear of falling out of societal expectation, motivates us to keep on largely doing the things expected of us.

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