
Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Pastor leads burglar to Christ on Gunpoint

Benny Holmes of The Church of New Beginning in Baytown, Texas shot intruder
Lee Marvin Blue as previously reported , in the shoulder when he heard the 27-year-old attempting to
gain entry into the church early morning Tuesday July 28.

Holmes called 9-1-1 himself and the pastor is heard guiding the burglar to ask Jesus into his heart while they wait for police to arrive.

“ Do you know Jesus?” Holmes asks.
The pastor then tells Blue repeat after him.
“Say, ‘Lord Jesus, Forgive me. I have sinned. I repent. Come into my heart. Live inside of me. And I won’t do this again. In Jesus’ name. ’”

The burglar followed the pastors instructions.
Pretty hilarious and touching all the same time, we hope Blue recovers quickly to continue in faith.

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