
Monday, 6 July 2015


The World as we know it is not the same again. Its going through a transition, a very strange one at that. The world is changing rapidly. There's a lot of mess, confusion, and rot taking place as we speak.

Several recent trends, decisions, actions and conclusions which are simply unimaginable, unpleasant, unthinkable and unbelievable have invaded our world.

These actions and inactions seem to question the very existence of God and the identity of His creation.

God has not changed, His standards remain infallible, His character unshaken.

God's word cant be denied,  its cant be jettisoned, or rewritten.  He WORD is the final authority, yesterday, today and forever.

Inspite of whatever secularism, terrorism, or capitalism maybe upto, God has a people who wont be swept away from the Truth.

Dont be afraid that you might be overrun and overwhelmed by the strange tide in the lands. We are on the faith side, we are on the truth side, we are on Grace side. We wont be destroyed along with Sodom.

We are a remnant, His people who wont bow to the prophets of Baal. We speak with authority and are more aware of the mandate to infiltrate the land with real Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The enemy wants to steal the Word. He wants to alter the Word to soothe people's emotions and their itching ears. The devil is sowing thorns even in the churches.

But his days are over, we are rising to the occasion with the only weapon we have- Gods Word. Now is the time. A new day has come, the day of vengeance via the Sword of the Spirit- The Word of God.

Evil will continually have a field day when great men like you and I do nothing and remain silent. What real legacy are you leaving for your children and generations to come?

Lets rise to the occasion, its no longer business as usual. We have to keep invading the souls of men with the Gospel of Grace till we drop. THIS WE MUST DO EVEN WITH MORE AGGRESSION, WITHOUT DELAY.

Stop listening to the enemy and feeding on his lies. He is the father of it. Its not the end of the nations, its the birth of the GREATEST MOVE OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD IN THE LANDS.

We wont be fooled or live in fear any longer. God's army is unshaken, and with His Word we are taking back the land. Healing is here, restoration is here, salvation is here, not tomorrow but right now.

Have a great week.


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