This isn’t an easy tale to tell, but this family wants the world to know the story of their beloved husband and father, Steve Hock.
Steve ignored the signs of melanoma, a serious form of cancer, and, sadly, after months of battling the illness, Steve succumbed to it.
I can’t help but think of Melanie Williams, a mother, who just recently shared a photo of her nail which turned black due to melanoma.
Now his friends and family are sharing his courageous journey so that this can never happen to you or any loved one ever again.
“Steve noticed a small tumor. Its rapid growth and spread might have been treatable, but
infection took over his body and brain. Go to the dermatologist and don’t leave questionable spots unmentioned.
Steve documented his entire experience; when he was no longer able to, his sister took over.
“So many people have or will be affected by this aggressive deadly disease in one way or another… it is imperative that people know just how nasty and devastating the naive use of TANNING BEDS & long term sun exposure can be. Don’t be ignorant, protect your skin, This CAN happen to you!” she writes.
"It started a bump the size of a marble. Six months later it was about the size of a baseball," Steve wrote.

"The tumor was removed, and i was relieved! No more fatty bump under my arm! A week later, I had a followup appointment with the surgeon. I was told they did a biopsy and it showed up as a cancer called melanoma. They would have to go back into my side and remove tissue, muscle and 18 lymph nodes."

Steve nearly died after his second surgery. "I felt a big pop in my side in the middle of the hiccups. My chest started flooding with blood. I was able to take this pic with my phone while my chest was expanding like a balloon. I was scared to death. I was suffocating because the pressure pushing down on my lungs. They rushed me back into surgery while I bled to death internally."

He was eventually able to return home, but had to begin regular Interferon treatments to treat the cancer.

But Steve's illness became worse. "I was mixing up words, I was switching up numbers with letters. I knew something was wrong. I started stuttering bad, it came and went for a week. I woke from a nap, my right side had stopped moving and I couldn't talk. My mom rushed me to the VCMC Emergency room. They did an MRI and discovered a 4.2 cm Tumor in my brain." He lost his ability to speak but remained hopeful. "I knew it was going to be okay, God would take care of me. He is in control, always has been, always will be."

After another scare, doctors successfully removed the brain tumor.

Soon after, Steve began to develop a skin infection on his arm.

Thankfully, his family was with him through this entire process.

Steve continued intense radiation treatments.

He wanted to marry Tami, the mother of his children, but they wouldn't allow him.

In his last days, Steve was allowed to return home to his loving family.

Sadly, after four brain surgeries, Steve succumbed to the melanoma.

"The suffering is over for Steven, but the rest of us will continue to suffer the loss of this GREAT MAN forever. We love you, we miss you, & we will NEVER forget you!" His sister wrote.

bravery or what?