
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

The DEATH CYCLE by Dr Abel Damina

Jesus has raised a new generation of men and women who will lead the world and are made in his likeness. Death is not just losing your life; it is separation from the light from God and also suffering.
Every bad thing is an operation of the devil to oppress you. The things that make us suffer are
under the death cycle that the devil brought, therefore we are not under the law or the devil’s rule anymore. Our life is under the terms of our son ship, and death is under our control. Even Elijah and Moses could not stand close to Jesus because He was and is “Grace”. Being born again is the removal of the nature of Adam.
We are ministers of the New Testament and not the old. The covenant we have is not with God, because we are only human. God is in covenant with Jesus who protects us from death. Jesus is now at the Mercy seat covering our sins; therefore, He has set us free.

Sin brings death and the law gives strength to sin, without sin and law there is no death.
It is appointed once for man to die, and Jesus kept that appointment for you, so you cannot die. Until you understand life and immortality you cannot have eternity.
Death isn’t just the “physical dying”, it is the separation from God, the father.
God knows you cannot keep the commandments. That’s why He gave them to you; because He had no intention for you to keep them (you simply cannot keep them). So, you are connected back to the father after the fall through the death of Christ.
Jesus is the grace of God.
Grace cannot be compared with any other thing in existence.
Jesus is the end and the beginning of an era. He didn’t die just for the forgiveness of your sins else you would be a child of the “devil”. Jesus came both as a lamb and as a scapegoat. He didn’t come as the son of God, He came as the last Adam; that was how He was able to defeat the devil.
Hell cannot carry a man with eternal life. Eternal life is the same life in God. It’s pure and indestructible. Being born again is not the continuation of Adam. If you are in Christ you are not in Adam. Born again is the removal of the nature of Adam and a new nature is injected in with eternal life.

When you become born-again you receive the image of God. A born-again man is a self-contained man. There is no account of the old life.
When you are aware of who you are, sin looses taste of you. When you are born-again you died in Adam and awoke in Christ.
God doesn’t want to be angry with you anymore because His anger was finished on the body of Christ when he died for you.

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