
Sunday, 7 June 2015

Single Mom Prays for Miracle to Afford New Car, Stranger Comes Forward to Pay in Full

A single mom in North Carolina got the surprise of a lifetime when a stranger offered to pay for her new car.

The BLAZE reports that Connie Cole of Asheville called a car dealership in search of a vehicle she could afford after her car broke down and she could not
afford to repair it. The dealership’s sales manager answered Cole’s call on speakerphone and a stranger overheard the mother’s situation.

Carolina Auto Sales owner Wesley Gurley said the customer “heard the distress in her voice and he wanted to go home and pray about maybe buying her that car.”

When Cole arrived at the dealership to purchase a new car, the stranger was already there. He informed her that he would pay for the new vehicle that she so desperately needed.

The man purchased Cole a 2004 Chevy Impala for $2,200.
Cole told ABC News, “I cried and thanked him at least a thousand times. I was speechless.”

She continued, “To me that just means the Lord is out there. Keep high hopes, pray and don’t give up.”
The benefactor also wanted to remain anonymous. Gurley said the gesture was a “good deed without a single gain.”


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