
Thursday, 25 June 2015


But as many as received him, to them gave He  power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
JOHN I: 12 (KJV)
You were not born of blood, so you cannot suffer sickle cell anemia, high blood pressure or diabetes… you must understand that you are of the breed of grace and that you have no lineage of blood, your parents cannot stop you because you were not born of the flesh…because you are born of God.
God has given you power to become. Jesus spoke against the status quo of his day so much so that they picked stones to stone him, since their mentality did not have the capacity to contain. He began to say that my father and I are one: He answered and said have you not read in your law that I sad ye are gods!
The word of God in a man’s life causes a change. You are not born of flesh and blood. So where others fail,
you excel. God created man and breathed in him His very life. Man was created in the very image of God, the class of God, but Adam committed high treason, he willfully disobeyed God and committed homicide…he murdered all of us, God intended for man to live forever, He handed Adam the greatest heritage which is to run the planet, but Adam bowed his knees and gave his spirit to an alien spirit. The breath of God in man made him an immortal spirit in the class of God that cannot die. Eve was deceived but Adam knew what he was doing, he willingly relinquished the image of God he carried.
When man fell the following things happened
–          He took on him the nature and identity of Satan
–          God couldn’t commune with him freely
–          It caused the animals and plants to die out of infection.
–          He began to suffer all forms of affliction.
Adam never saw death, he never experienced it until he fell and stated dying, he began to see the consequences of dying.
Fornication will wear you out and make you look other than you are supposed to be. God said unto man you will sweat before you eat, and that was the beginning of the death circle at work, that is why you see a young man of 35 years looking like he is 75years because of running from pillar to pole trying to make a living.
Shame, reproach, and embarrassment are all signs of death. Death is separation from the Zoë of God, death which is the absence of life, so you begin to die when you lack the life of God. God originally created man and woman to be equal in the beginning; he created them as partners and to rule together. The reason why women are being abused and used primarily as sex toys is a function of the death process…it was not so from the beginning…it is death at work.
You age fast and die, when you hustle to survive, it is the curse, man not being able to sleep, and he becomes wasted as a result of suffering to survive. Every time you work like an elephant and eat like an ant it is because of the curse,the bible says death reigned from Adam to Moses and not Christ.
God looked at man and said, Man you are dust, serpent eat dust. God instructed the serpent to eat dust, thus God instructed the serpent to eat dust, to make man his food. Disease (stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure) are a function of Satan eating dust. After Adam lost his image and likeness he had children after his own image and kind after the fallen man. Cain killed Abel, animals died. The fall of Adam corrupted the universe. If there is no sin there would be no death. The arrival instituted the levitical priesthood for 12 months.

Moses showed up with the 10 commandments of Moses and not of God, since when God first wrote the 10 commandment Moses broke it, so Moses wrote the second one himself and it is referred to as the laws of Moses. Today, I prophesy that what labour could not get you, receive it by grace, what human connection couldn’t get you receive by grace. Grace is Jesus personified. The grace of God came bodily to the throne of grace.
God never intended for you to keep the Ten Commandments when he gave them to Moses. He knew we couldn’t keep it, he did it intentionally, and he made it impossible to keep and added 620 laws to regulate it. He then instituted the levitical priesthood, so it was like God was saying…break the commandments and get the priests to offer sacrifice for you…He just needed your attention.
God requested for two animals
–          Sacrificial Lamb
–          The scape goat
The church has preached sinless perfection over the years which no man can achieve, they say you have to be perfect, so when we try and we do not succeed we pretend and then we have lots of hypocrites living double standards.
God requires Christ perfection not sinless perfection. I am in Him, I am perfect, His holiness is my holiness, and his righteousness is my righteousness. I prophesy a new season has come in your life, new laughter has come, beauty and favour, your dry land is watered and your wilderness becomes a garden in the name of Jesus.
Another issue is the forgiveness of sins. Jesus forgave us all. The church preaches forgiveness of sins and ignores the substitutionary work of Jesus as our scape goat, when we preach the substitution the power of God will hit the church. The essence of the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus was that
–          We cannot offer an acceptable sacrifice
–          We did not have the wherewithal
–          We lack the capacity
So Jesus came as the mediator, middle man whose job was to go before God and say look you have never been a man, this is what they are going through. He presents God to you and you to God. Sin cannot take a believer to hell, if it does then the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was murder. If it was not murder then it was sacrifice. If it was sacrifice then He took the sins of the world.
For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
Hebrews 9:26 (KJV)

When you receive Jesus Christ, sin looses it grip on you. When Jesus came he came as a second Adam to take back what Satan stole. According to the prophecy, it was the seed of the woman; women do not produce seeds, men do. So Mary was the only one who had seed this then signifies that there was no cardinal interference in the birth of our messiah.
Jesus had to die because the wages of sin is death. When he died he took the wages so you do not have to take it anymore, the wages have been paid.
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Hebrews 9:27 KJV
Jesus has kept the appointment with death for everyman, so if you accept Christ you move from death to life. Born again is the death experience not a renovation or upgrade of Adam.
The rejection of Jesus takes a man to hell not sin, for it is written…for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Therefore when Jesus died He took sin, and pulled out eternal life for 3days as the price to graft us into this beauty, the disciples did not understand the substitution, they thought he was a martyr, it was only apostle Paul who got that revelation timely.
He died that I may live, rejected that I may be accepted, and became poor that I may be rich. He rendered the devil useless, took the spirit of death, arrested the spirit of poverty and crushed poverty. Eternal life is not a kind of Gods life; it is the exact life of God. That is what God gave you when you became born again, eternal life. He took what makes him God and put inside you.
And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish; neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.
John 10:28-29 (KJV)
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
Hebrews 10:14 (KJV)
You have been set free by one man, free from failure, poverty, adultery and oppression. You are free.


  1. Hmm! Does that mean I can fornicate as I like since am free from sin and it can't take me to hell

    1. Also remember Gods Word says HE THAT IS BORN OF GOD DOES NOT MAKE A PRACTICE OF SIN

    2. Never... The scripture says in Romans 6:1 shall we continue in sin that grace may abound, NO God forbid...
      He says, in Acts 17:30 the times (days) of ignorance, I will wink at (overlook). He commanded all men to repent.
      Don't get it twisted, Grace is not a license to sin but an edge over sin, over inferiority complex
      God bless you my brother

  2. Hi, i believe Grace is an empowerment to live above sin

  3. Hi I believe Grace is an empowerment to live above sin

  4. You see, we have the wrong impression about the message of Grace. This is the pure message the church needs. The problem with the church is SIN CONSCIOUSNESS. If you continue to listen to this kind of message continuously for one month, you will search and not find sin anywhere around you. Grace is Jesus. He sets us on course and gives us HIS own very life to live(WHICH IS THE LIFE OF THE FATHER). IT'S THE HIGHEST KIND OF LIFE. Sin shall not have dominion over us. May God help Dr Abel Damina and other ministers of the Gospel who are preaching the true message of CHRIST to gain grounds and affect every part of the world. THE CHURCH HAS BEEN MISLED FOR A LONG TIME!!!!

  5. Kindly send me the link of the Damina's teaching which has the lessson on first adam,second adam and last adam.

  6. Thank you very much sir
    Nice work which to join you someday in spreading the Gospel.God bless you sir

  7. Thank you very much sir
    Nice work which to join you someday in spreading the Gospel.God bless you sir

  8. In its simplest form Grace supplies what the law demands. For example if you have a habit of stealing, Grace tells you here is the supply. So why continue stealing when you have the supply?

    That is why Grace is not a licence to sin but the power to sin no more.


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