
Thursday, 23 April 2015

A South Korean Church that has Services Every Day

A South Korean Church that has Services Every Day

Meeting only once a week on Sundays is hardly enough. Myungsung
Church in Seoul gathers for early morning prayer every day, and it's been
doing it for 35 years.

In the early morning in Seoul, thousands of people stream out of the
downtown church passing the thousands of others who are waiting in the
cold and the dark to go inside. When the signal comes, they stream inside
and scurry down the street to arrive on time.

Myungsung Church holds four early morning services on a daily basis.

"Christians cannot live without faith and prayer, even for a moment. I believe
morning prayer is God's blessing for us. So, I am joyfully attending to the
gathering, even though the church is far and it takes long,"
said church elder Seon Gyoo Kim.

Recently, the church celebrated 35 years of early morning prayer. Church
leaders from around the world gathered in Seoul for a week long celebration.

Since Rev. Samhwan Kim started the church in 1980, it has grown to more
than 120,000 members. He credits that success to prayer and an unyielding
commitment to historic Christian truths.

"The power of church is from the Gospel in the Bible, and the tradition that
we inherited from the ancestors. If we preserve those values, the world will
follow us, and we can lead this era,"
Kim said.

Well into his 70s, Pastor Kim still leads two morning services.
Myungsung Church is the largest Presbyterian church in the world. It has
planted 24 churches and supports more than 500 missionaries in 63

The church also supports a children's home, a hospital and other social ministries.
Pastor Kim says it's prayer that's made all this ministry possible, and he and
his church believe that if they ask, God will do the same for their kinsmen in
North Korea.

"North Korea is in despair, but at the same time, it is very hopeful in Christ.
Isaiah 9 says, 'The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on
those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.' ...I
believe the time of Gospel must come to them. We need prayer to save
North Korea...God will work on them through our prayer.
He must liberate
the land and perform the miracle to open the way in the desert for the
unification of North and South," Kim said.
North and South Korea have been separated for 65 years. Since the
armistice was signed, South Korea has grown into a modern state with a
booming economy.

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