Sunday 17 January 2016

You Can Do This.

This is not for everyone, its just for someone.

Joyce Meyer began her own ministry 30 years ago at the age of 42. She now has one of the largest ministries in history. A divorced, abused, uneducated woman with a call, a tremendous work ethic, a truckload of faith and a connection to everyday She's 72.
Joel Osteen wasn't the obvious choice of John and Dodie to take the reins of the great Lakewood Church and its international television ministry. Joel was the

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Jack Ma’s 10 rules for success

Jack Ma is a Chinese business magnate and philanthropist. He is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a family of successful Internet-based businesses. He is the


The first day I went to Canaanland, Ota to see Bishop David Oyedepo was a memorable one full of lessons. I had met him at the National Ecumenical Centre, Abuja where I first told him I wanted him to mentor me in ministry; because I needed the same grace of effortless accomplishments on his life and ministry.
He had his PA give me his complimentary card, then told me to come to his office at Canaanland, Ota. I was so excited that I couldnt wait for the Independence Day National Christain Service to end at the Ecumenical Centre so I could dash home and

Monday 11 January 2016

GET OVER IT, He Lives in You.


“Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself (Luke 24:25-27). 

The bible is a sacred book, containing in its context ONE message - Jesus Christ. Hence, we say the scriptures are Christo-centric, Christ centered. "Search the scriptures; for in them


Self-made South African billionaire Allan Gray and his family have given away to charity their entire controlling stake of the Allan Gray investment company and its offshore partner Orbis, BusinessDayLive reported.
It’s an unprecedented move for a

THE SOUND OF MUSIC: Climb Every Mountain

Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every

Believing Is Receiving

You have heard people of the world say, “I will believe it only when I see it.” Generally, that is the way the world thinks. But God’s ways are not like the ways of the world. The world says, “If I can’t feel it or see it, I cannot believe the miracle is here.” God says, “If you believe it before you feel it or see it, you will see your miracle.”

Believing first before seeing the evidence of

Syrians Trapped in 'Extremely Dire' Crisis, Forced to Eat Dogs, Cats, Grass to Survive

Besieged Syrians in three towns are facing an "extremely dire" humanitarian crisis, the International Committee of the Red Cross has warned, noting that starvation is forcing some to start eating dogs, cats, and grass.
"Citizens are dying. They're eating stuff off the ground. They're eating cats and dogs," an activist inside the rebel-controlled town of Madaya told BBC News .
The crisis has also gripped the government-held towns of Foah and Kefraya, with people resorting to

7 Reasons Not to Play the Lottery or Gamble.

With January's Powerball jackpot estimated at $700 million — the largest in U.S. history, according to ABC News — Christians might be tempted to play, but Pastor John Piper explains why he advises people to avoid the gambling trap.
In a post shared on , Pastor John Piper, chancellor of Minnesota-based Bethlehem College & Seminary, discourages Christians from participating in lotteries, warning, " … you should not gamble with your money this way."
Below, the theologian outlines seven

5 Ways to Grow Closer to Your 'Daddy' God

This morning as I was walking to my car in my driveway, I sensed that familiar voice speaking to me—the voice of my heavenly Father. The words triggered a big smile on my face. God said to me: "Lee, I get a big kick out of you!" For the next 10 minutes in my car, I praised Him for showing me, yet again, His overwhelming love.

I can already hear some people gnashing their religious teeth over this comment. "You just made that up!" "God does not talk like that!" "You're

Christian University Ready to Fire Professor Who Claims Muslims, Christians Worship the Same God

Wheaton College, an evangelical Christian university outside of Chicago, said on Tuesday last week it was taking steps to fire a tenured political science professor after she wrote in a Facebook post that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.

Dr. Larycia Hawkins wrote on the social media site on Dec. 10 that she was donning the hijab head scarf during the

Saturday 9 January 2016


What is the secret to the success of the top 20+ richest people in Nigeria? Who are the Nigerian billionaires and how did they amass their wealth? What are the business success secrets of the successful entrepreneurs in Nigeria? What does it take to become a billionaire in Nigeria? If the answer to any of these questions interests you, then please read on.
Recently, i compiled a list of the world’s richest billionaire school drop outs and today, I will be compiling a list of Nigerian billionaires and top richest people in Nigeria, but please this list will be restricted to entrepreneurs only. Politicians and individuals whose source of wealth cannot be traced are excluded from this list. Most people have asked why so few Nigerians made the

A Nigerian, Jude O Nkama made history on January 6th as he became the first African to be appointed as a judge in New Jersy

A Nigerian, Jude O Nkama made history on January 6th as he became the first African to be appointed as a judge in the 349 year history of the city and State of New Jersey, USA. Hon. Ras Baraka, Mayor of the City of Newark, NJ also appointed Hon. Ugochukwu Nwaokoro as Deputy Mayor; and Evans Anyanwu, Esq. as Chief Prosecutor of the city. See photos from Justice Nkama’s appointment below:the 349 year history of the city and State of New Jersey, USA. Hon. Ras Baraka, Mayor of the City of Newark, NJ also

Malawi Pastor, acquires a third private jet in 2 years (photos)

Malawi Pastor, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri acquires a third private jet in 2 years (photos)

One of the richest pastors in Africa and the Leader & founder of the Enlightened Christian Gathering Church, Prophet Sheperd Bushiri has acquired a third private jet in a space of two years.

January 6 of this year, the handover of the plane was presided over by Gulf Stream Manager Larry Flynn. Bushiri received a

Thursday 7 January 2016

The Gospel Saves In Every Situation

Each time you hear the gospel of Christ, you are hearing God’s good news for you. And the Bible tells us that the gospel of Christ—the good news that God wants all men to hear—is the very power
of God for your salvation, not just from hell, but also from illnesses, financial lack, harm, a failing marriage—every aspect of your life that needs saving!

You may say, “Pastor Prince, I’ve heard the gospel of Christ, but it seems like I am one of those whom the power of God has missed.” My friend, when you hear the

The T.D. Jakes 'Controversy' That Has Some Shaking Their Heads

When T.D. Jakes took to the pulpit recently, he started a social media firestorm, but not for the reasons you might expect.
The pastor wore ripped jeans instead of his traditional suit and tie.

Yupp, ripped jeans, which he later posted a picture of on Instagram with the caption, "I want to thank One Church for a great service! Loved the atmosphere there. The presence of the Lord and the kindness of the people explain why Hollywood is buzzing about this

50 Reasons Why I Don't Drink

I am a Christian and I don't drink. I am also a pastor and ex-alcoholic. I need to make that disclaimer right up front. Although it makes me biased, it also makes me an expert on this hotly debated issue.

Some of the worst "shudder moments" of my life have been under the influence, and as a pastor, some of the worst "shudder moments" I have witnessed in the lives of others have been because of alcohol. You have come too late to tell me it's God's best for a Christian to drink.

We are living in a church age where drinking has become "hipster" for some. Christian young adults post pictures of their

Christian Rapper Renounces His Faith in Jesus as Great Falling Away Continues

Christian rapper Jahaziel denounced Christianity days before the celebration of Christ's birth.
"A short while ago I turned away from 20 years as a professing Christian. I had a good job with a church organization, a house provided by the church, a large social circle of likeminded people, a career in gospel music, a worldwide fan base, a respected reputation & status within Christian and non Christian circles," Jahaziel wrote on Facebook .

In 2013, the U.K.-based rapper told CrossRhythms he was shying away from fame for the sake of the gospel.
Now, the tables have turned. The man Rapzilla called one of the

Hugh Jackman Says He is a Christian and Dedicates Each Performance to God

Actor Hugh Jackman said in a recent Parade magazine interview that he is a Christian and finds fulfillment in his faith. Jackman said he was raised an evangelical and still dedicates every performance to God.

"I'm a Christian. I used to go to different evangelists' [revival] tents all the time. When I was about 13, I had a weird premonition that I was going to be onstage, like the preachers I saw," Jackman told the

Largest Statue of Jesus Unveiled in NIGERIA in Front of Hundreds of Onlookers

The largest statue of Jesus in Africa was unveiled on Friday in Nigeria, with hundreds of spectators present.

The statue is nearly 30 feet tall and weighs 40 tons. It has been named “Jesus de Greatest.”
It was commissioned by a local businessman named Obinna Onunoha who had previously funded the building of