Saturday 11 April 2015



Every volunteer contributes a drop to the ocean of humanity, and it is certainly true
that the ocean would be less without these drops. It is so easy to look at the big
picture; to see the thousands of suffering people, and forget that we can only do
small things with great love - that the one person we serve at a given moment is really
Sometimes it’s easy to become immune to the poverty people around you– after all,
everything is relative. However, volunteering is a very humbling experience,
especially in a very special place. A place where the tears of the
dying and the tears of the searching meet are.

Most people today would say that we help the poor by helping them out of poverty. That was never Mother Teresa’s intention.
Mother Teresa often said that we did not serve the poor to improve their lot, but because we
were serving Jesus, who said that whenever service was rendered to one of the least, it was rendered to him. Jesus promised
eternal life to those who fed the hungry and clothed the naked. Mother Teresa was undeniably interested in reserving a really
good spot for herself behind the pearly gates. Once a sister was serving water for
the other sisters and she said “Jesus knows how many
glasses of water you’ve served to the poor. He’s counting. When you get to heaven, he will know.”

Mother Teresa had a great deal of compassion for the poor, but it’s hard to deny that she was more interested in improving everyone’s
lot in the next life than in this one.

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